jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016

The last Blog

Hi Geobloggers

Today i write about of the blog on this semestrer.

When start the activity of blog I thought it would be boring because i thought it would be tedious to write things every week but every time i make a new blog i found it more and more entertaining because i had to write about things of each one.

My favorite post was when i wrote about my favorite book  I really liked this subject because I could talk about one of my hobbies.In general I really liked the activity and found nothing boring.

I think about my level of  english  has improved since we practiced a lot with the blog every weeks because is an entertaining way to lear.

the classmaters who i enjoy reading is catalina pizarro bacause she white about a many interesting things in his blog.

This semester was a very interesting because I learned new things with professor Simon.

See you in the next class.

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