jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016

The last Blog

Hi Geobloggers

Today i write about of the blog on this semestrer.

When start the activity of blog I thought it would be boring because i thought it would be tedious to write things every week but every time i make a new blog i found it more and more entertaining because i had to write about things of each one.

My favorite post was when i wrote about my favorite book  I really liked this subject because I could talk about one of my hobbies.In general I really liked the activity and found nothing boring.

I think about my level of  english  has improved since we practiced a lot with the blog every weeks because is an entertaining way to lear.

the classmaters who i enjoy reading is catalina pizarro bacause she white about a many interesting things in his blog.

This semester was a very interesting because I learned new things with professor Simon.

See you in the next class.

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

A one on one

 Hi geobloggers today i write about I'd like to have a one-on-one conversation with.
I would like talk with chuck schuldiner because he is my favorite musician. Chuck 
was an American singer, songwriter, and guitarist. He founded the pioneering band 
“Death” in 1983.Chuck is  often referred to as “The godfather of Death Metal”. 
He was one of the most significant figures in the history of metal.
Chuck schuldiner born in May 13 of 1967 on long island New York. He start to play 
guitar at the age of 9.He was originally inspirated by metallica, iron meiden kiss and 
classical jazz His last influences that  marked his final style were groups of Slaye
and Possessed.
Chuck was the leader of his band because I preferred to hire musicians for recording 
sessions because they were very problematic. Chuck was known to be openly opposed 
to hard drugs This was reflected  in several interviews and some of his songs.
During his career he record 7 dics ( 1987 Scream Blody Gore, 1988 Leprosy,
1990 Spiritual  Healing, 1991 Human, 1993 Individual Though Patterns, 
1995 Simbolic and 1998 The sound of Perseverance).  In all its discs it is increasing
 the quality and perfection of the riffs in guitarfrom his first album to the last it shows 
the great difference in his technique. For me Chuck was one of the best guitarrist of the
 world for the quality and perfection with the guitar.
 I would like to ask about your inspirations of yours songs and how much time
per day did you practice to have that level.